Monday, December 21, 2009

December 2009 Snow Storm in Rhode Island

You could also title this post "How I spent my Sunday."

Sunday morning we woke up to this in the backyard: 
and thirteen inches in the front yard.

Will helped Daddy clean off the truck... 
Daddy used his electric snow shovel...

Ellie and I made a Snow Cowboy...

Then she insisted on a "Frosty the Snowman."  The snow was dry and fluffy so we couldn't make a proper snowman.

I got to clean up this...

Which was OK since I quickly followed the cleaning with some of this...


  1. Very fun! I have to say the clean-up is my least favorite part! But, followed by some warm chili and grilled cheese would make it worthwhile! :) At least this snow wasn't so wet! Our last snow was so wet that our coats took a few days to dry out--and we had them hung out right by our furnace (the warmest area of the house!)!!

    Merry Christmas! Looks like maybe a white Christmas after all! :)

  2. Looks like fun for the whole family. The snow cowboy and snowman were very cute. : )

    The cleanup does not sound fun, but I love eating warm soup on a cold day (we don't really do chili).

  3. Wow! Looks cold, but fun! From the clean-up side, glad we don't get that much snow often here...!


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