Friday, August 14, 2009

"The Friends We Keep" by Sarah Zacharias Davis

Edited 8.25.09: Congratulations Amy! You are the winner of the "Friends" giveaway. Thank you to everyone who left a comment. I enjoyed reading about your friendships.

I've made, and lost, a lot of friends in my short 34 years. Partly because we moved A LOT when I was growing up (9 school changes from K-12 qualifies as a lot!!) and partly because friendships are never static.

Summer 2009 brought with it two reminders of the ever-changing nature of friendship. First, I reconnected with several high school friends via Facebook. I NEVER thought I'd hear from that period of my life again!!

Reminder #1 Friends can come back into your life.

Secondly, my friend, Amy, announced that her family is moving an hour away. An hour is a long way when you are used to seeing someone every Sunday!

Reminder #2 Friends can leave your (daily) life after a season.

So, with all this in mind, I agreed to review The Friends We Keep: A Woman's Quest for the Soul of Friendship by Sarah Zacharias Davis. It seemed like a good time to read about friendships!

The Friends We Keep is not a how-to book. There aren't any tips on making or keeping friends. It's really more of a introspective look at why friendships change, the different roles we play in friendships, and why some friendships survive while others drift apart.

I most enjoyed the personal accounts in this book. It's comforting to hear that other women have drifted apart as their lives have taken different paths. It's also inspiring to read how a friend for a season can change a person.

As much as I enjoyed the personal accounts, I was a little disappointed by the frequent quotes and references to secular culture. I'm not saying secular culture is all bad. After all, how could a woman of my generation (which I think Davis is) write a book about friends and NOT refer to Anne of Green Gables and her bosom friend, Diana?!

It's just that using the four friends from "S*x in the City" as an example of ideal female friendships makes me very uncomfortable. I've never watched an episode in its entirety but I am aware that most of the show is contrary to my morals and beliefs.

But, this is not a review of popular culture and how much Christians should partake of it. I only mention these references because I feel a responsibility to my readers to know that I do not agree with everything included in this book.

Having said all of that, I have an additional copy to give away to a reader. Leave a comment by August 19 telling us about your oldest (or dearest, newest, etc.) friend and you will be entered in the drawing.


I also have the privilege of recommending one of my favorite authors to you!!

Kay Arthur is a speaker, teacher and author. She is also a co-founder of Precepts Minstries.

The 40 Minute Bible Study series from beloved Bible teacher Kay Arthur and the teaching staff of Precept Ministries tackles important issues in brief, easy-to-grasp lessons you can use personally or for small-group discussion. Each book in the series includes six 40-minute studies designed to draw you into God’s Word through basic inductive Bible study. There are 16 titles in the series, with topics ranging from fasting and forgiveness to prayer and worship. With no homework required, everyone in the group can work through the lesson together at the same time. Let these respected Bible teachers lead you in a study that will transform your thinking—and your life.

Titles Include:

•The Essentials of Effective Prayer •Being a Disciple: Counting the Cost

•Building a Marriage That Really Works •Discovering What the Future Holds

•Forgiveness: Breaking the Power of the Past •Having a Real Relationship with God

•How Do You Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk? •Living a Life of Real Worship

•How to Make Choices You Won’t Regret •Living Victoriously in Difficult Times

•Money & Possessions: The Quest for Contentment •Rising to the Call of Leadership

•How Do You Know God’s Your Father? •Key Principles of Biblical Fasting

•A Man’s Strategy for Conquering Temptation •What Does the Bible Say About Sex?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hearts at Home has a blog!

One of the things I love about blogging is the exchange of ideas that takes place; after all, what mom can't use a new idea every now and then!

If you are interested in a blog that brings a group of mommy bloggers all to one place, stop by and visit the Hearts at Home blog.

Hearts at Home's contributing bloggers write about motherhood, each with a unique perspective, reflecting on the spiritual, emotional and downright funny aspects of motherhood. Their group of bloggers range from professional speakers to authors to stay-at-home moms, all who share a passion for the profession of motherhood.

The Hearts at Home blog covers a variety of topics, such as practical mom tips, recipes, book reviews, and advice for tackling tough mommy issues.

Take a peek at this great resource and connect with real moms sharing real stories today!

*** Just for disclosure.

I am a member of the Hearts at Home blogger program which means they email me a blog post promoting their ministry. I can edit it or publish it "as is." This is an "as is" post.

If you are a regular reader you know I am cutting back on my blogging activities (writing and reading), which means I do not read the Hearts at Home blog at this time. However, I do receive and enjoy their monthly e-newsletter.

I've chosen to publish this post because I believe in the Hearts at Home ministry and think their blog is a positive resource for moms. I hope you enjoy it!!