Thursday, July 30, 2009

Book Review: Blue Like Play Dough by Tricia Goyer

Edited: Giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to the winner, Lara O.!! Your copy of this book will be in the mail as soon as I get to the post office. :)

Blue Like Play Dough by Tricia Goyer is a memoir of how God has pushed, pulled and squeezed Tricia to become the woman He wants her to be.

As a mom of small children who LOVE play dough (am I the only mom who hates the stuff?!), I totally get the analogy of God using life's circumstances to mold and shape us! Haven't we all felt stretched to the breaking point at times?! Just like that play dough snake rolled and stretched so thin it will separate in three places if you roll it one more time.

I am amazed how God uses those thin times in my life to grow me and change me. In fact, He's squishing and smooshing me now as I'm taking a step back from blogging to re-evaluate my priorities and activities.

I appreciate Tricia's transparency in this book. She doesn't sugar coat the poor choices she has made (a teen pregnancy being one of them). Rather she shares with the reader how God has used those poor choices (and good choices!!) to reveal HIS character and shape hers. She gives Him the glory for her transformation and successes.

Isn't that what we all want as Christian women? To develop God's character as our own and give him the glory for it?

If you want to feel encouraged and be reminded that your trials and difficulties have a purpose, I recommend you read Blue Like Play Dough by Tricia Goyer. You can get a copy today by clicking on the title or the book image. Also, you can learn more about Tricia and her other books at

Last but not least, the kind folks at Multnomah have sent me a second copy of Blue Like Play Dough to give away. Just leave a comment on this post telling me if you a) make your own play dough, b) buy it, or c) have banned the stuff from your home.

Comments will close August 7 and the winner will be selected randomly.


  1. I let my kids play with it, but have never made it myself ... granted right now, we live in a house with very old carpet that I am not worried about at all. The playdoh situation might change if we ever move. :)

  2. I make my own playdough, so that when Susanna eats it (which she will) I don't worry so much about it. We only play with it in the kitchen area, over the linoleum.

  3. I do! I do! I hate playdough also!!! =)

    I'm currently evaluating MY priorities so it's been good to "watch" you challenge yourself in this area and set things up right.

    Thanks for the example!

  4. Emily doesn't even know what Play Dough is so we haven't crossed this bridge yet. Right now, I see no reason to ban it, but we will see how that goes if/when she ever plays with it and gets in in her hair, the carpet and who knows where else.

    The book sounds really good. I think we all need to be reminded that our purpose is to glorify God no matter what is going on in our lives. And re-evaluating is also a good idea. I really need to do that with my time. What things can be dropped, what do I need to add in? Hmmm...

  5. I have used playdough, made playdough, and banned playdough (thank you airport security). I hate the real stuff, but it encouraged my creativity. When I got older I started using polymer clay instead; I even made some money off of my figurines. And then in college I started using marzipan. It is all basically the same stuff, but for different age groups! I love it! Just not the original salty smelling freaky colored brand name Play-doh.

  6. i follow tricia goyer on facebook...i would love to read this book
