Friday, June 12, 2009

Family Fun Friday - Books & Field Trips

Welcome to Family Fun Friday: THE place to share fun and frugal ideas for family activities. Please read the Guidelines and share your ideas with us!!

This week's topic: Books and Field Trips!!

Or as they are calling it at 5 Minutes for Books - 'Book Trips!'

What is a 'Book Trip?'

Any family field trip inspired by or related to a book.

How does it work?

There are a couple of different ways you can approach this Family Fun Activity. You can plan a trip or outing and then read books related to what you will experience on the trip. I found this technique VERY helpful in reinforcing what my kids learned during a trip to Mystic Aquarium last fall.

Or you can read a book and plan a trip based on it's contents. Take The Box Car Children as an example. Visit the museum about the original author in eastern Connecticut. Or take a ride on a real train. Or ride a Ferris Wheel like they do in The Amusement Park Mystery. The ideas are endless!!

I love combining books and outings so much that I suggested Book Field Trips to the ladies of 5 Minutes for Books when they asked for Carnival theme suggestions way back in January. Little did I know they would use the idea for their July Children's Classics Carnival!!

You might say I'm feeling a little pressured to participate next month! But I know my family. If I don't plan something soon July will come and we won't have taken any 'Book Trips' (love that name, by the way!!).

Here are some of my Book Trip ideas for this summer:

Little Men by Lousia May Alcott (The Orchard House)
Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey (Sculptures in Boston)
Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey (Blueberry picking)

Do you have any picture or chapter book suggestions for any of the following field trips?

Strawberry Picking
4th of July, Independence Day, Fireworks
Going to the Beach.
Fort Knox

Do you take Book Trips? If so, which was your favorite?

Also, please leave the link to your Family Fun Friday post in Mr. Linky!


  1. I don't have any book ideas, but was intrigued by the fact that Fort Knox is on your. We live about 10 minutes from fort know, ya know. I am just saying...

  2. LOL! Not THAT Fort Knox. The one we're going to is in Maine and pretty impressive. Check out the link! I'm sure no kids books of this Ft. Knox exist but any books about Forts overlooking a river or coast would be great!

  3. Well if I wasn't reading this post in such a rush, I might have checked the link (and the typing on my first comment, for that matter!). hahaha

    It was an honest mistake and maybe a little wishful thinking! : )

  4. Fun ideas! I didn't know there was also a Make Way for the Ducklings sculpture in Moscow! Also, I learned that there is a Tortoise and Hare sculpture in Boston as well. Very interesting reading why it was chosen and placed there. We would love to do Boston again sometime soon and I think these would be on my list to see.

    On another note, we enjoy the The Big Hungry Bear and the Red Ripe Strawberry (picture book) to go with strawberry picking.

    When Andy was in Boston a few weeks ago he got the kids Paul Revere's Ride which is the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem illustrated by Ted Rand. It is excellent! I love the classic poem and the illustrations are great! M2 are very interested to go see Old North Church, etc. after reading this book. A new favorite at our house...

    I'll keep thinking...and looking forward to more ideas!

  5. "Wave" by Suzy Lee is my favorite beach themed book...

    "Jamberry" by Bruce Degan for berry pickin'



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