Wednesday, April 1, 2009

6 Things Every Christian Woman Should Know - Guest Post Series

The author of today's "Living as a Single Christian Woman" guest post is Michelle from Being Single.

Michelle and I have been friends since college and have plenty of blackmail information on each other. But we won't speak of those things.

Well, maybe just one... our sophomore year of college we would borrow Michelle's brother's Ford Taurus and go out on the town. Once on the road we would pop this song in the CD player and jam all the way to Hot Springs. Every time I hear it in a store I feel the need to roll down a window. :)


The Minister of Education/Administration at my church sent me an email this morning with an article he saw on MSN. The title was “6 Things Every Single Person Should Know”. The article, originally from a Glamour Magazine blog is from a secular point of view, but the 6 things mentioned are good.

The first thing mentioned is learn to live with uncertainty. This certainly applies to everyone. Specifically, for singles, the point was made that “there are far worse things than not knowing your romantic future.”

What a fantastic point. Life is uncertain. Part of living out your faith as a Christian single is learning to trust God with the uncertainty. He knows your future and has plans for your future. I can’t promise that plan involves marriage. I do know that it is much easier to navigate the tension between your desire and your reality when your focus is on God…when you are willing to trust Him for whatever the future holds.

The second point was be patient. None of us likes to be patient. We are constantly bombarded with media messages that tell us precisely the opposite and that we deserve it right now.

Ecclesiastes tells us there is a time for everything. I think that includes a time to be patient. You might be surprised when you look back how God has been working even when you feel like nothing is happening. Trust me, I have seen this time and again in my life. In fact, one of my friends reminds me every time things aren’t happening on my timetable of how God has been so evident in my life.

Practice a positive attitude. I would go a step further and say practice praise. Back in 6th grade, a friend told me one day that “it’s amazing what a little praising will do.” Try it sometime. Praise God. Sing Him a song. Whether single, or married, our eyes should be set on God. When they are, there is far less time to wallow in current circumstances.

Next, realize that life is seriously beautiful. Seriously? Yes, life is beautiful, even seriously. This connects with the previous point of praising God and thanking Him for all the good things He’s given. Again, when your focus is on Him, the fact that you are lonely diminishes to the background. It may still be there, but you can know that you are not alone

Stay in the Present. This is a great rule for anyone. I had the opportunity to hear singer/songwriter Margaret Becker speak at a young singles conference several years back. One of the things she said has stayed with me. She said to live your life and do the things you are passionate about and if marriage happens along, then you can be surprised by it. Don’t wait on someone else to live life.

The final point is laugh at yourself. I wholeheartedly agree. I spent part of my life being way too serious. I still tend toward serious, but I’m learning to laugh at myself more and I am enjoying life more as a result. The most fun I had in recent years was dressing like a punk rocker and doing karaoke.

How have you lived these 6 principles lately?
When not singing karaoke, Michelle reads books, plays Nertz and talks to her nephews on the phone.


  1. I loved this! These are perfect reminders, and I needed to read it today. Thanks, Michelle!

  2. I just wanted to remind you that you can post up your Read Together goals HERE this week.

  3. Thanks for the reminders! I have to say, the point about praising God is so true! I've found taking time to even just listen to praise music really helps me refocus! Thanks!
