Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Little Red Wagon Filled with Cuteness

Joel and the kids took advantage of the sunshine last weekend to get in some wagon rides. I couldn't let such a great photo op go by!!

LOVE these goofballs!
Ben took a turn pulling the wagon.
I don't remember why he's pouting.

For more fun pictures and some photography ideas visit this 5 Minutes for Photography post.


  1. So cute! My favorite is the first one with all 4 kids! Guess it was a spring teaser here? In DE on Saturday we hit 70 degrees! A little glimpse of what is to come! :)

  2. Cute! We use our wagon a lot to take pictures. They are all somewhat contained in there! :)

  3. That IS a wagon filled with cuteness and blessings! Love it!

  4. What a good picture of all 4 of them! I'm impressed that you got all of them in one place long enough to snap it. I'm sure that's rare! I think that everybody is ready for spring!

  5. Your children are beautiful. Some of my favorite pics were taken in our little red wagon!

  6. I'm happy to see that your weather is warm enough that snow is off the ground. Love the pictures!


  7. I love kids and wagons. Thanks for sharing your pictures!


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