Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Valentine's Date to see Fiddler on the Roof and the boots I wanted to wear.

Joel and I celebrated Valentine's Day last Thursday evening with a double date. I had a lot of fun!

The steak dinner at Texas Roadhouse tasted delicious (and was still warm when I ate it!).

The time spent in adult conversation with my husband and our friends refreshed my baby-addled brain.

The performance of Fiddler on the Roof at Providence Performing Arts Center reminded me how much I wish I could sing and dance.

The date is the reason I didn't blog much last week. You see, birthing four babies in five-and-a-half years can really do a number on your wardrobe, not to mention your body! So, almost every night last week I shopped for a new outfit to wear on my date.

Sadly, I failed in my mission to spend money on clothes for myself. I tried Target, T.J. Maxx, J.C. Penney's, and Macy's. I found nothing that fit correctly in the right style (does no one make clothes that aren't hoochie momma or grandma-ish?!).

Let me tell ya. It was most depressing to have money in my pocket and not find anything to spend it on!

To comfort myself I cruised the shoe sections of the same stores. You could say I have a thing for shoes.

I hit gold at Penney's! A $150 pair of brown (almost) leather knee high boots now resides in my closet. If you know me by now you know I did NOT pay $150 for a pair of boots. No, ma'am. They were mine for a mere $30!! I also bought 2 pairs of black flats for about $10 each. And I paid for it all with a gift card except $1 and change! Yeah for me!!

Unfortunately, the boots didn't work with any of the outfits that I could wear to the Providence Performing Arts Center. I worked hard to figure out a way to wear them but it just didn't happen.

You know what this means, don't you? Before our next date I must shop for a great outfit to go with my boots! lol!

Did you celebrate Valentine's Day with a special date? Have you scored any great bargains on clothes or shoes lately? Please tell us about it!


  1. Sounds like you guys had a great time. I don't know if you're short but I am and that also throws a kink in finding something cute to wear!

    Love the boots. I did recently find 3 dresses for a couple of weddings this summer. I only bought one but they were all very cute and fit good. I was in shock!!! We have Stage, Maurices, Cato and Walmart here so our choices are slim :)

  2. First of all, I LOVE Fiddler on the Roof. I grew up listening to soundtracks to musicals and I can sing every line to every song of FotR!

    Cute boots!

    I scored some black mules for $8 last month. Since then I haven't bought anything. I bought an outfit in October to wear to a fancy alumni dinner at the UofA and I think I spent $40 for pants/sweater. I've worn it a half-dozen time since then and I still love.

    And we got to have a Valentine dinner at a yummy Italian restaurant nearby. We went with two other couples and had a great time.

    One more thing...I LOVE Texas Roadhouse too. I've never had a bad meal there.

  3. Sounds like a fabulous night! We went to a little hole in the wall Carribean restaurant and saw a movie - it was just nice to be out for a while without munchkins. :)

  4. Very cute boots! Sounds like you had a great night out despite the shopping struggles. There isn't much worse than money in your pocket & nothing to spend it on!

    We went out for lunch (all 3 of us) and then watched a movie that night. Fireproof - have you seen it? Pretty good movie.

  5. That all sounds AWESOME! And what a great deal! Oh how I love deals like that.

    And ohhh how I identify with the struggle to find something to wear. Oh yes.

    For Valentine's Day Jonathan took me up to Portland for an overnight stay (his sister babysat!) at a B&B and we went to a Steve Green concert. That was our first time away together overnight and it was fun! Thoroughly enjoyed eating in peace and relaxing without being in a rush to get on to the next thing.

    But yes, I WAS ready to come home!

  6. I had to laugh at your clothes shopping. My advice? Make your own or find someone who can do it for you! I don't know when I'm going to get it done, but I'm going to make at least two of those "perfect" outfits - one for the summer and one for the fall/winter. That is my goal. I must succeed! :-)

  7. You, me and shoes!! I usually have the same issues when I clothes shop. Since when tank-tops become "year-round" clothing?! There must be some really cold ladies out there! :-) I dread clothes shopping anymore. One of my new favorite stores is New York & Co and I also like Coldwater Creek. I can usually find- non hoochie mama clothes... more business/casual clothes. I am trying to find a dress for Addi's b-day... I want to wear "matching" or similar outfits... any suggestions?

  8. Great deal on the boots! I know you'll get a lot of wear out them as they're so classic, too! Hooray!

    It sounds like a lot of us women have a hard time finding clothes! Guess there is comfort in numbers?! :)

    We're still singing and dancing around here...all of us!

  9. Cute boots! I can never find anything to buy when I have money. Of course, when I don't have money, I find plenty to buy!

    I laughed at you being able to eat a meal while it was still warm. I know all about that!

    We all went out to eat Mexican and then hubs and I watched Fireproof the next day.

  10. Steph! Do you do like me and go in determined to find an outfit for yourself and come out with cute outfits for your kids??? That ALWAYS happens to me!!! I have caught my very sad/baffled/exhausted/overwhelmed look in the mirror in the women's section....then, I find myself noticing a cute little newborn, 2T, 4T or size 6 shirt on the other side of the aisle....and I'm OFF! :) I leave with a smile and return to my sad closet empty-handed. :) I did just find some shirts and a pair of pants a few weeks ago at Kohl's. Todd and I have decided to try to beef up our "post-baby X4" wardrobes by making small purchases every month...a shirt here or a pair of pants there. That seems less overwhelming to me than trying to buy a few outfits at a time...which is what I usually do. We'll see how it goes. :) Cool Valentine's date!! :)


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