Sunday, February 1, 2009

Links for Your Enjoyment, 2.1.09

Hi! The week's links are pretty thin. I haven't had much time this week to read blogs. I'm hoping to do that soon!

Family Life: Friends and Family
  • Military Communication Part 2: Military Care Kits at Experiencing Each Moment. (GREAT idea!!)
  • Calling all Christian Single Bloggers at Being Single. (I know most of my readers are mommies but if you are a Christian single, or know one, please check out my IRL friend, Michelle. She and I spent a lot of time together in college. Unfortunately we haven't spent as much time together since college - just too many miles between us but I still count her as one of my best friends in the whole world!)
  • Prayers of Sixth and Trinity at Singing New Songs. (Powerful and beautiful post about prayer.)
  • Dad's Birthday at The Robins Nest. (My family is in Arkansas. I am in Rhode Island. You can find entire restaurants that specialize in fried catfish there. You can not here. My loving family likes to tease me. Blogs have allowed them to stoop to a whole new level.)
Have your relatives ever found creative ways to tease you?


  1. That post of your family is so funny! My family is way too serious and NOT blogging! You're so lucky!

  2. Can you believe I don't like catfish...yes a southerner that doesn't like catfish. If we go to Fish Net I eat the beans and hushpuppies off the setup. Yep that place is still around!


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