Sunday, January 25, 2009

Links for your enjoyment, 1.25.09

Welcome to Links for Your Enjoyment, 1.25.09 Edition.

I've reorganized my "Thought Topics" or labels or tags; whatever you want to call them. I wanted the list to better describe what I write about.

I also categorized Links for Your Enjoyment by applying the same "Thought Topics" labels. I hope this helps you find the links that interest you.

What do you think? Do they describe the posts you've read here on SMB? Can you easily find a post on a topic that interests you?

Home Management: Weekly/Monthly Menus and Misc. Food
  • Freezer Friday at Frugal Menu Mamas. (I'm wanting to do more freezer cooking this year. This post has great ideas and recipes.)
  • Meal Planning Part III at Life @ 7000 Feet. (The last in her series on how she plans and prepares meals for her family. See last week's Links for Your Enjoyment if you missed the first two posts.)
  • Starting a Freezer Cooking Co-op at Frugal Menu Mamas. (I like this idea! Does anyone else do this? Anyone in Rhode Island interested?)
Family Life: Just MeFamily Life: Friends and Family
  • Ship Departing... at Experiencing Each Moment. (Great pictures of her husband's ship deploying. Look for the picture of her son and husband silently expressing their love to each other.
Family Life: Books Family Life: Faith
Blogging: Miscellaneous


  1. Very impressive! Love what you've done!

  2. Great post! This week the Family Life posts really hit home. Boy can I relate! Yes, it's His thing and yes, I am learning more and more about being a SAHM! Also, the Friends and Family post brought tears to my eyes as well as thankfulness to my heart and prayer to my lips. Thanks for sharing!

    Oh, I might be interested in some freezer cooking co-op. Definitely something to give more thought...

  3. I wish I could do a freezer co-op with you!

  4. How awesome that God has laid it on your heart to read through the Bible this year. It is His plan for me as well as some much needed scripture memorization. I hope we can encourage each other through the year!


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