Sunday, January 18, 2009

Links for your enjoyment, 1.18.09

About to fly away...

The Homemakers Haven: How to Participate at A High & Noble Calling. (Every Monday she will post a cleaning challenge/carnival for you to participate in. If you are looking for motivation in ordering/cleaning your home this just might be it.)

2009 New Year's Cleaning Grand Plan Challenge at Organized Home. (Another weekly cleaning challenge.)

On Reading - A Reader's Diary at 5 Minutes for Books. (A great idea for helping you process and remember the books you read.)

Meal Planning Part 1- Purpose at Life at 7000 Feet. (I love to read about how/why other people plan meals!)

Meal Planning Part 2 at Life at 7000 Feet. (She has great ideas. We're both menu/meal plan, just use slightly different systems.)

Link-Tastic: The Filing System Edition at Org Junkie. (DID YOU SEE SHE LINKED TO ME?! I am beyond excited!)

Pretty Please with Sugar on Top at Life at 7000 Feet. (I couldn't agree more!)


  1. Thanks for the link love. I'm going to check out Org Junkie and Homemakers Haven right now.

  2. I love the way both you and Mer organize your meals...I thinmk I can take something from both of you. Also I agree with you guys about using email...I have a ton of people I'd like to reply back to but can't

    Can't wait to look at the other links...It helps to be challenged by other moms like us!

  3. I really enjoyed Mer's post on the purpose of meal planning! Congrats on the link! Way to go!

  4. What a cute picture of the kids. I've got a spiderman at our house. We should get them together. They could save the world!


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