Sunday, December 7, 2008

Links for your enjoyment, 12.7.08

Radical Womanhood, by Carolyn McCulley at Reading to Know. (I've seen this book reviewed in a couple of places. I'm intrigued and putting it on my reading list for '09. The author of the book also has a blog, Radical Womanhood.)

There are endless ways to ... by No Time for Flashcards. (She has many cute and clever ideas for activities with toddlers/preschoolers.)

My Interview Story by The Bargain Shopper Lady. (Encouraging story about asking God for your dreams.)

Freezer Cooking Links by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie. (I've dabbled in freezer cooking or once-a-month cooking. It's a great way to save money, time and energy. I'm hoping to do more freezer cooking.)

The Bathroom Door Letter by Alicia at Experiencing Each Moment. (Hilarious!)


  1. Love the Christmasy decor on your blog today! :)

  2. I am also so interested in the Radical Womanhood book. Did you say that there is a study guide to go with it? I looked online but couldn't find it and don't know if I was dreaming or if it really exists.

    The bathroom letter is so true, too!

    Missed you this morning and hope you got some GOOD rest!

  3. Amy, she says on her blog that she's working on "a free small-group discussion guide to accompany this book, which I hope to post online in the new year." Also, the book is back ordered via CBD until January. It may be in local stores. I haven't left my house in a week so I don't know about that.

    Christie, thanks! I've spent the day playing with my blog since I didn't attend church (remember the ugly Frankenstein stitches across my forehead?).

  4. Your blog looks AMAZING!!! Besides the fantastic header (Christmas, yet simple), I LOVE the new layout. I've been seeing the 2 sidebars on different blogs and really like this look. You've done an awesome job! I'll get there one day!

  5. Thanks for the freezer cooking links. I have been researching it in hopes to try it soon. It would save so much time in the evening, so I would have more time with Addi before bed. :-)

  6. Thanks for the sweet link!
    ~The Bargain Shopper Lady


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