Friday, November 21, 2008

Three couples. Ten+ years of friendship. Blessings of God to numerous to list.

In November 2003 my husband along with his two cohorts planned a surprise outing to a local spa for myself and the other two wives. Following our massages/pedicure we ladies returned to my home where we dolled ourselves up for a REAL TRIPLE DATE! Then we drove to Amy's home where the men cooked and served us a delicious dinner (Joel is still famous for his apple pie!).

At the time Will was 6 months old, Amy was weeks away from delivering Micah, and Dawn still lived in Rhode Island. We had so much fun that night it became an annual tradition for us to hire a sitter and have a night out together.

And then Mike and Dawn moved to Kentucky {sniff.sniff.}. Last year our tradition faultered because Dawn gave birth to Little Miss Emily in October. Understandably they didn't make it back to RI for Christmas.

But this year, THEY'RE BACK!! Only it's in November. And don't you know one of the few dates we could all get together just happens to be my birthday?! How fantastic is that?! I haven't had a birthday party in 13 years. Ack! That just made me feel old... moving on... to fun pictures.
Here we all are in 2003.
Awww... aren't they cute?
One more cute couple.
Back when Joel paid for haircuts.

Tonight we will all meet at my home for take out pizza, laughter and fun. There will be no babysitters. Which means we'll visit around the chaos made by a 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, and 1 year old and a 4 week old. Yes, that's SEVEN children between the 3 couples (half of which are mine!). Oh wait! Once again Amy is due to deliver in a few weeks so make that (almost) EIGHT children.

Hmm.. I wonder if I could squeeze in a massage this week. I know Amy would like a pedicure. Then it really would be like old times.


  1. old friends are the best! and i don't mean in "age".

    how exciting to be turning 25!!! lol

  2. Happy Birthday! Hope you guys have a great time!

  3. I am so glad we got to visit on your birthday. : ) I hope you enjoy all the Reese's Cups you received! There seemed to be a theme, although it was not planned - guess we all know you like chocolate and peanut butter (not that I can blame you).

    It is amazing what a big crowd we have become in a relatively short amount of time. Soon we will need to rent a place for our annual gathering. haha


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