Thursday, November 13, 2008

I am thankful ...

...that my children play well together (most of the time). That they enjoy being together. That they are best friends and playmates as well as siblings.
Ellie hasn't learned to make the "Horsey Swing" go by herself, yet.
So, one or both of the boys will swing with her. She loves it!
*** These are pictures from summer that never made it on the blog. Obviously my children are NOT playing outside barely dressed during November in New England!!


  1. Best friends and siblings...relationships that will last a lifetime!

  2. So adorable! They both look like they are having so much fun.

    By the way, there have been some days in Kentucky when they could be outside half dressed in November - I am still not used to that!

  3. I'm so thankful for that too! I only hope (and pray) that their friendship continues as they grow!


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