Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Are the other 3 excited about Sam? You be the judge.

Holding Sam, one day old.

William: The Experienced Big Brother

Benjamin: Who just wants to kiss and touch Sam

Ellie: I'm a big sister!


  1. Excited? YES! I love seeing their faces beaming with joy!

  2. a year from now sam will already be terrorizing those smiling innocent faces;)

  3. So sweet! You should link up to Wordless Wednesday. So precious!

  4. Precious pictures of your gang! They all look VERY excited.

    Honestly, I just get tired thinking about your life with 4, but God equips you for you what He brings into your life, doesn't He? He is SO good. And what a blessing these 4 little ones are.

  5. I'd say they love him! They're all so beautiful, Stephanie!


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