Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Apple Pie Making with Grandma

My mom arrived from Arkansas the Saturday before Samuel was born. I thought a fun activity would be for us to all make an apple pie together. I had to do something with those 20 pounds of apples! Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of the actual pie. But peeling the apples sure was fun!

My fellow chefs.
Eating the apple peel is half the fun!
Wow! That's one long piece of peel!!
Ben enjoyed some as well.
The peel was longer than they are tall!
Ben intent on peeling the apple.


  1. Looks like fun...and I am guessing the finished product was good too! Don't you LOVE the peeler/corer? I hate to think of apple picking without one at home! :)

  2. Hi Stephanie!
    Thanks for saying hi on my site! I just wanted to make sure you knew that Restaurant.com will email you your coupons and you can print them out on a computer. I use card stock when I am sharing them with friends because they look classy that way!

  3. That is by far the coolest peeler I have ever seen!!


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