Sunday, October 5, 2008

Links for your enjoyment. 10.5.08

On Reading: Do you censor yourself? by Jennifer @ 5 Minutes for Books. (Interesting and thought provoking.)

Different isn't bad, it's just different by Dawn @ Wherever He leads we'll go (A beautiful post by my real life friend, Dawn.)

Enjoy a Simple Christmas with a Well-Planned Budget by Simple Mom, (The holiday season is coming soon. Great ideas to get you thinking. We've budgeted gifts for years but I've never thought to budget for all the other holiday stuff.)

Anyone know of a good Hot Wheels body shop? by Vicki @ Virtue Alert (no doubt this, or something similar, lies in my future as a mom of THREE boys.)

Pushing through hard things... by Meredith @ Life at 7000 Feet (A post to make you think.)

There is a Rescuer by Amanda @ Baby Bangs. (AMEN!)

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