Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A link to see pictures of Sam!!

Just a quick note to let you know we came home on Friday. We are all doing amazingly well. Joel says this is the best recovery I've had. I credit that to NOT taking the percoset. For the first time I haven't been fuzzy headed while I tried to recover from surgery and breastfeed a baby. It's been great!

If you are wanting more pictures (and I know you do!) head over to Joel's blog. He's posted 15 pictures from our hospital stay. There's even one of me holding Sam. Another of all 4 kids. Be warned you will view much cuteness.


  1. Much cuteness indeed! So thankful that you're recovering well...

  2. I know what you mean! My scheduled c-section was a breeze in terms of recovery. I was alert and really got to be a part of the delivery process.

  3. YAY for a good recovery! Glad to hear you and Sam are doing well. And yes, he is a cutie, much like his other siblings! : )

  4. Too cute! Glad you're home, and recovering!

  5. Yay...I'm all caught up on your blog now.

    Thank you so much for:
    1. not having word verification turned on
    2. having a pop up window for comments.

    You saved me much time and frustration.


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