Sunday, September 28, 2008

Links for your enjoyment. 9.28.08

Here are some blog posts by other bloggers I thought you might enjoy reading.

Seed and Bread by Beth @ The LPM Blog. (My bread? My children. January 2002, after 4.5 years of marriage I very much wanted children. I can just imagine God's delight with each of my prayers knowing that within a 5.5 year span he would give me not one but FOUR children!)

Like an Oyster by Sarah @ In the Midst of It. (I've had my own grains of irritation this week. I wish I'd handled them all with thoughtfulness and grace.)

Stuff and Things by Sally @ I Take Joy. (I'm currently reading her The Ministry of Motherhood: Following Christ's Example in Reaching the Hearts of Our Children. More about that in a few weeks when I've finished. This post lists her conferences. I wish I could attend one!!!)

Someone's Watching by Jennifer @ Snapshot (I think I may need an accountability partner. Pushing past mediocrity is a challenge.)

1 comment:

  1. I have requested Sally's book from the library and am looking forward to reading it! Thanks for the suggestion!


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