Saturday, September 20, 2008

Backyard Camping '08

Friday night (before wedding #4) Joel and the boys camped out in our backyard. They did the same thing last year. Our tent, which was used for the first time last year and barely fit them all then.

So Joel decided to borrow a bigger tent from our friends. It did not come with directions which proved to be interesting! Should you have four poles left over after the tent is up?

In case you are wondering if I slept in the tent here's a quote from Will. "Pregnant girls don't ever camp." Right you are, son!

Even Ellie helped pitch the tent. She's holding a pole.
Both boys helped.
Will inspected the results.
They barely stood still long enough for this picture.
Naturally there were s'mores!
Click on the picture to see Ellie's wide open mouth!


  1. Did Ellie get to sleep in the tent also? Love the pictures.


  2. Look at those "fancy shoes" for a campfire! Definitely a dress up occasion! Sounds fun--for Mom, too! :)

  3. I think backyard camping is the best camping of all!

  4. Looks like they had a lot of fun. And William is very wise - pregnant & camping just don't mix!


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