Sunday, August 24, 2008

Wedding Number 3.

Thanks to everyone who commented about our "Summer of Weddings." I think I should have explained further that these weddings haven't been among our college friends or buddies. They have been young couples in our church. Early 20s. Recently graduated from college.

We did the same thing a decade ago with our college friends. In fact, we attended a wedding a few days before our own and then another two months after ours. A third took place later in the summer but we had already moved from the area and couldn't attend.

THEN the next summer our maid of honor and (if I remember correctly) all FOUR of our groomsmen got married. Not to each other obviously. Sadly, we lived in Rhode Island and were only able to make it to Texas for two of those weddings, which coincidentally, were held on the same day - one in Ft. Worth, the other in Dallas.

Anyway. Enough rambling about that.

I really wanted to just say we had a lovely time at the wedding. The bride looked amazing. My kids did great. Our hotel was a HUGE disappointment (more on that later). And we have spent Sunday recovering from our road trip.

Some how I managed to take zero digital pictures so you'll have to wait until my film is developed to see pictures of the bride. Hopefully Snapfish will have them ready by the end of the week.

Plans for this week include yet another ultrasound on Tuesday. Joel has big stressful issues at work right now so it looks like I might be taking all 3 of the kids with me. That should be fun! And Friday is Ellie's 2nd birthday. How is that possible!?! So it should be an exciting week.


  1. I hope that it's not too much of a circus juggling everyone for the ultrasound.

    How convenient that both weddings were on the same day! Obviously, they were at different times or you wouldn't have made them both.

  2. It's amazing you know that many single (previously single) 20 yr olds, and then ironic that they're all getting married the same year! Hope you've recuperated from your trip!

  3. The bride did look amazing, didn't she?! For someone who never really wears make-up or fusses with her hair, she looked very natural.

    I am home tomorrow if you want to drop of 1, 2 or 3 little guys for the ultra-sound. Just let me know. I am sure I could find some other little people who would be very pleased to get to play with them! :)

  4. Our church is very small and over 50% college students. Otherwise I wouldn't know so many people in their 20s!!

    The weddings in D/FW were actually at the same time. Our maid of honor and our best man. Joel was in one and I was in the other. I guess I didn't word that explanation very well. It was an interesting weekend, with us going in different directions. Alicia, do you remember us staying at your apartment? = )

    The weddings were also the day BEFORE our 1st anniversary; which we then spent flying home. I still haven't forgiven them for the timing! (Kidding. Totally kidding.) = )


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