Monday, August 4, 2008

Post Ideas, Interesting Visitors and a Basic Monthly Menu Plan.

I really have posts in my head other than book reviews.
  1. I've been trying to work on a series of posts about home making but can't seem to catch a writing time break.
  2. I've also FINALLY received notification that my 35 mm (which takes better pictures than my digital) film can be viewed (and thus downloaded) at Snapfish so I'll have some pictures of our trip to Mystic Aquarium up in a day or two.
  3. On the same rolls of film are some ADORABLE pictures of my guys and girl playing in puddles. That's coming soon.
  4. In the meantime, some interesting visitors wandered by this weekend. Go here to see their pictures.
  5. I have my August menu plan up over at Stephanie's Mommy Brain in the Kitchen. If you need dinner ideas I even have recipes over there.
So, which do you want to see first? The puddles or the fish?


  1. You know I'll love both, but the puddles sound so fun!

  2. Hey! I finally am visiting blogs again! It's been a whole week!

    Guess what I'm doing right now? Sitting outside while the kids play! I love, love my purchase!

    Anyway, it looks like you are busy in blogville again!

    oh vote is for puddles!


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