Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Strawberry Pickin' 2008

The kids and I have a tradition. In June we go strawberry pickin' with "Auntie G," Julia and her daughter, Emma, and Amy, Micah, and Mia. Coordinating four sets of schedules and the weather meant we didn't make it to the berry patch until the first week of July this year.

The kids always have a great time and eat their weight in berries. This year Ellie could actually pick the berries also. And boy did she pick. And eat. And eat. And eat. I don't even want to think about the moldy, half rotten, buggy berries she ate. That stuff is all part of growing up. Right?!
You may notice the red shirt. It's just a smart idea when berry picking for momma and all children to wear red. Requires less stain stick that way.


  1. ohhhhhh! She is the cutest! THE cutest!

    And I loved your anniversary blog. It is hard to believe that it has been 11 years since you moved to RI - WOW!


  2. So cute! And yes...the moldy berries are all part of growing up! :) Builds the immune system!

  3. Oh, Stephanie, she looks so cute!


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