Friday, March 14, 2008

Ben's Lab Results Back

Just wanted to let you know a doctor from the GI doctors' office called today and the lab results are back. They are negative for anything scary. Yeah!! Thank you, Lord!! She said that the polyp was probably just an inflammatory polyp. Not sure what that means. We have an appointment for next Wednesday (March 19) to ask all of our questions.

Thank you for praying for us. It's been a stressful couple of weeks, to say the least.


  1. GREAT NEWS! thanks for letting us know. I KNOW you are relieved!!!

  2. Praise God! What wonderful news! I know that stuff like this really makes you reappreciate health and the precious children you have.

  3. PRAISE GOD!!! I'm sure ya'll are very relieved!!!!

  4. Glad to hear the results were negative. Praise God. Sorry to hear you had such a rough time, though - UGH.



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