Sunday, January 13, 2008

Life as a MOP

In case you don't know, a MOP is a Mother of Preschoolers. I am one. Three times over. I always find the hardest time to be a MOP is during the winter. In Rhode Island it's winter six months out of the year. I kid you not.

My friend, Charity at Cardiff Central has a link to a great article about being a MOP. You can head there here. I think the author is right on the mark. (Be sure to come back and tell me what you think of the article.)


  1. I'm a MOP too...and boy can we relate to that article. In fact, this is my 3rd year on the steering team. That was good encouragement and I think I will be linking to it soon on my blog too. Thanks for sharing.

  2. wishing for spring means wishing away a season I don't really want to go true! I also love the point at the end about contentment. Thanks for the link, I can totally relate as a MOP!

  3. I guess having a 3 month old makes me a MOP too. Though I have not experienced the fighting and fun that older children bring, I have definitely had some cabin fever. I have had it in the literal sense as I have longed to take my baby for walks but the weather is too cold or rainy. And in the figurative sense as I have wondered when she would be old enough to do this or that. I loved the line: learning to be content with whatever my circumstances are because he gives me the strength. What a great reminder that contentment comes through keeping my eyes on the Lord & not the things going on outside my window.

  4. I'm not a MOP mom anymore, but I can truly relate! Winter here is from October-May, and we all get cabin fever. I find it a little easier though to get out and enjoy the snow now that my kids are old enough to put on their snowsuit and boots by themselves, and carry a sled back up the hill!!

    I know you know this (or have been told this) but it truly is a short season. Before you know it, your oldest will be about to turn 11 (I'm in great denial) and your baby will be half-way finished with kindergarten. *sniff* pass the kleenex please!


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