Saturday, January 5, 2008


Meet Frankenstein. He's been in the family for about a year and a half or so. He joined us because of the kindness of my friends Barbie and Pete. Our old PC had died on us. PC had reached the ripe old age of eight years - ancient in the computer world.

One day PC just gave up the ghost, so to speak. So for a few months we used Joel's work laptop to check our email. I got a lot more work done in those days without a computer to distract me. I shared our computer situation with our friends one day and they kindly shipped us the laptop you see in the above picture. My excitement knew no bounds.

Unfortunately about two months later the screen on the new-to-us laptop died. Everything else worked fine, you just couldn't see anything. So Joel pulled the old monitor from PC out and hooked it up to the laptop. Since he was hooking things up he also connected the old keyboard, and external DVD writer and some other memory do-hicky. And thus Frankenstein was born.

As the year has passed and I've gotten into blogging and taking digital photos poor Frankie has gotten slower and slower. I'm talking beat-your-head-against-the-wall slow. In addition to showing his age (is the slowness due to computer arthritis?), the monitor has a short in the electric cord so just bumping the desk causes the monitor to turn off. You can imagine my frustration.

Well, God heard my prayers, pleas and whimpers (not to mention cries of frustration) and last month He provided enough money to pay off our equity loan (Hallalujah, Praise the Lord, Amen & Amen!) with enough left over for a shiny new laptop for ME!!!

Without further ado let me introduce Sally. Isn't she pretty? And fast. Oh so FAST, FAST, FAST!!! I'm looking forward to spending many happy hours with her. = )


  1. Hi Sally!!! I always have computer problems when my hubby is gone. :) I tagged you in my recent post to write 5 weird/ funny things about yourself. Have fun!

  2. Sally IS pretty! And yay for you!!! Nothing like having a fast computer! I'm very happy for you and hope to be sharing in your joy by the end of the year!

  3. Many hours indeed! How fun! Enjoy your playing! I noticed that this new laptop is female but Frankie was male--pretty funny.

  4. Glad to see you have moved away from rock & chisel. I wish you and Sally many happy hours together!

  5. So happy for you. I hope you and Sally spend many wonderful, blissful times together. My computer is nicknamed Mac...and my husband sometimes calls Mac my boyfriend. I think he gets a tad bit jealous of the time we spend together. :)


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