Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I Won Something!

I've been remiss in my duties as a blogger! I know that surprises you given my unexplained absence for most of last month. = )

Several weeks ago Stephanie at {Olive Tree} wrote a book review and hosted a giveaway of the same book. Shockingly, I won a copy of the book.

I say "shockingly" because I never win anything. NE-VER. Unlike my lucky younger brother who wins all the time. For example, I distinctly remember a road trip to my Grandparents house during which we stopped for gas and drinks. Stephen bought a Dr. Pepper, opened the lid and won a free Dr. Pepper. He immediately took it back inside the store for his freebie. When he opened that bottle he had won another free bottle! How lucky can you get?! But I digress. Back to the book.

After my unplanned imaginary trip to a remote tropical island I re-entered Bloggyland and discovered I had won Stephanie's giveaway. Well, my new book arrived last weekend. I have to tell you, you want this book. You may not know that you want it, but you SO want it. Especially if you are a mommy to a son.

(Note to Michelle - this would make an AWESOME Christmas present for a certain mommy we both enjoy reading at Tales of Toddlerhood. But I should warn you that she does occasionally stop by here so she'll probably see this.)

What's that? You want the name of the book? You've probably seen other reviews around Bloggyland. I Love You More by Laura Duksta.The momma and son describe to each other their love. "I love you stronger than the strongest big river dam." "I love you louder than the loudest rocket ship ever blasted." In the end they each say to one another, "know what? I love you more!"

This book is particularly appealing to me because of a game my boys and I play. I often say, "Will, guess what?" He says, "What?" Then I say, "I love you." The best is when he replies, "I love you, too, Momma."

Benjamin has altered the game some. After my initial question he skips straight to "I love you." So now I reply to him, "YOU love me!" He's taken to parroting back, "You love me." To which I reply, "I love you." It's a fun game no matter what version I'm playing.

OK back to the book. The illustrations are full page and full color. Child-like in style. My guess is the illustrator used some kind of chalk or crayon. Regardless of what the medium was the illustrations have a softness to them that I enjoy. Will especially liked the drawing of a beaver standing beside his dam.

So there you have it. My first prize from a Bloggyland giveaway. And a fabulous one and that. Maybe I should take another unplanned imaginary trip to a tropical island. Anyone know of any laptop giveaways I could enter before I leave?


  1. Isn't it a great book?! I'm so glad you like it. :)

  2. It's beautiful visually and sounds perfect! I'm totally going to get it. Thanks for the recommendation!


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