Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Go ahead and say it...I'm crazy!

It's been a crazy weekend. And that's an understatement.

After locking our keys in the van at Walmart on Friday night (read more about that here), we laid low on Saturday. Mainly because it rained or threatened to rain all day. Needless to say Joel did not look at the battery on the truck.

After all the excitement of Friday night and the wiping of three different goopy noses on Saturday, I decided to take a home pregnancy test Saturday night. To our astonishment but pleasure it was positive.

It appears all those jokes I've been making about this being the longest I've gone in 5 years without being pregnant were not entirely accurate.

Our families have been told. Our kids have been told. Will is beyond excited and full of questions as only a four-year-old can be. We are still adjusting to the idea. O! Baby should come late June (by the book) or early July (by past experience times 3).

For those trying to do the math, that will be 4 babies in 5 years, 1+ months. Their ages then will be 5 years, 3.5 years, 22 months. The age spread will be 21 months, 18 months, 22 months.

So if you don't hear from me regularly for a while just assume I'm hugging the toilet or passed out in bed. You can pray that this one is a girl - with Ellie I barely got sick at all. With the boys? It wasn't pretty! And the Lord knows with this gang I can't spend all day in bed, even if I'd like to!


  1. YAY! What fun news to read about. Congratulations, Stephanie! I will pray you can escape the morning sickness.

  2. TOTALLY excited for you!!! Awesome!!!

  3. Wow, Stephanie! Congratulations!

  4. Hooray! Congratulations! I know you're SO excited! Wow! Don't know what else to say other than I am so thankful that I read your blog regularly!!!!

  5. Hey Stephanie,
    I don't blog, but Alicia sent me the link to this. Congrats!
    I know you are so excited :)

  6. Yay! Congrats! Remember as you're hugging that toilet bowl...children are a blessing, children are a blessing, children are a blessing! Repeat 3 times, and then grab some saltines!

  7. Wow is all I can think of. Congrats y'all. Bless your heart. In the good sense of course. My girls are 18 months apart and I'm just barely keeping my head above water. :)

  8. OH MY WORD!!! wow!! i am soooooooo excited for you! I am so lost for words, but am over joyed that your family is still growing! It's really an awesome time to hear this and give me a bit of encouragement! Im praying for you and am so happy you and a few others finally found my blog!! Love ya!!

  9. Yes, this is my second comment...but I just found out that Ben and Jerry's does FREE Ice Cream for Mom's on Mother's Day. That is exciting--but it gets better. Expectant Mom's get 2! That sounds like something to take advantage of! :)


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