Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Good Friends

My husband has already blogged about our cookout on Monday. You can read his version here.

This weekend our dear friends, Mike & Dawn, came to visit from out of state. We've known them for over ten years and have still not forgiven them for moving away 3.5 years ago. = ) We know God has a special plan for them. We're just grateful we see them at least once a year.

Our friendship with Mike & Dawn, Amy & Andy and two other couples began when we were all recently married and no one had children. The fun times we had!! Usually the women talked while the men stirred up trouble. Even with children and our years of maturity not that much has changed.

This picture was taken in November 2003. I have no idea why we are so far apart. In all fairness to Amy, she gave birth less than a month after this picture was taken. Doesn't she look great?! My husband is taking the picture and must be doing something VERY funny.

This picture was taken yesterday. Like I said, not much has changed. They are still looking for trouble. If you look in the background you can see two Junior Troublemakers in Training.

P.s. Andy, you had to know I was going to post at least ONE of those pictures yesterday! = )

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