Monday, July 16, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Last week's menu was a success, as long as success is not defined by perfection. We started off with the grocery store out of their sale-priced chicken and since I refuse to pay nearly $4 a pound for CHICKEN I took a rain check. Another night we made an unplanned trip to the Golden Arches because I couldn't bear the thought of cooking. Other than that it was a good menu week.

I also learned something this week. Blogging my menu is going to make me more accountable to actually cook what I have posted. Not because of y'all reading my menu. Nope, because my husband is a techie. What does that have to do with my menu? Let me explain. I've put my menu on the refrigerator for months. My husband only occasionally reads it there. But apparently he checks the menu on the blog each day to see what's for supper! You should have heard the crying when I didn't serve the grilled chicken on Tuesday! All this means I have to make more of an effort to stick with Plan A. Who knew he'd check the menu postings?! Let this be a warning to you. Blogging your menu may set up expectations that you have to meet. Having said all of that here's the menu for this week:

Monday: Pizza, Pineapples.
Tuesday: Chicken Curry with onions, pineapple, & carrots over rice.
Wednesday: Grilled Steak, Baked Potato, Salad, Fruit.
Thursday: Chicken Noodle Soup, Fruit.
Friday: Soft Beef Tacos, Fruit.
Saturday: Birthday Party/ Personal Choice.
Sunday: Chicken Enchilada Casserole, Salad, Fruit.

Here is the recipe I modified and used last week for Tortilla Chicken Soup. It tasted "Yuh-MIE."

Vegetable Oil
5 Corn Tortillas
1 Onion, chopped
3 large Garlic Cloves, minced
1 small can Tomato Paste
1 Tablespoon ground cumin
1/2 Tablespoon chili powder
2 Bay Leaves
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cooked and chopped to bite size pieces
1/2 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
juice from 1 lime
4 Chicken Bouillon cubes dissolved in 2 cups of water.

Cut up 2 tortillas into strips and fry in oil to golden brown. Remove and drain on paper towels.
Saute onions in oil until starting to brown. Add garlic and saute for another minute or two. Tear 3 tortillas into bite size pieces and add to pot. Add tomato paste and dissolved bouillon. Add spices and bay leaves. Add 2 more cups of water. Bring to a boil. Add chicken and reduce heat to a simmer for about 15 minutes. Remove bay leaves. Add lime juice. Serve with the fried tortilla strips. Makes about 4 adult servings and 2 child servings.

For added yumminess, top with grated cheddar cheese, diced avocado, sour cream, tortilla chips or corn chips. This recipe is a little spicy for mild lovers. But we LOVED it at my house.

In the future I'll leave out the corn tortilla strips and call it Spicy Chicken Soup. The tortilla strips didn't work well for me. They stuck to the bottom of the pan when I fried them. I have new stainless pots and am still getting accustomed to cooking with them. You may have better luck. I'll also double the quantities because we didn't have enough leftovers for lunch the next day!! And I love good leftovers for lunch.


  1. what a great meal plan!! Have a great week.

  2. Great menu, thanks for sharing!


  3. Well, I do plan my meals each week, but I'm scared to post them! ha! I'm trying to cook more breakfast stuff for us, I'm so tired of cereal, but of course that is what Marc prefers. So I guess he can eat cereal and us girls can have something else! :)


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