Friday, July 1, 2011

Beside Still Waters by Tricia Goyer

Beside Still Waters by Tricia Goyer. Published by B & H Groups, 2011.

Beside Still Waters is the first book in a new series by Tricia Goyer. The story begins the tragic night Marianna Sommers is born and her two older sisters die. With this understanding of the family's grief, the story jumps to Marianna as an adult. Her parents want to move their Amish family across the country and Marianna is in turmoil over the decision.

No spoilers here! I'll just say there's a prospective husband in the mix and leave you to read the romance.

As a general rule I avoid Christian romance novels. I made an exception this time and am glad I did! The story is well written leaving you wondering if Marianna will go with her family or stay, choose her young man, and ever see that you can't live your life to please everyone. In fact, I got hooked into the story and stayed up until 2:00 AM to finish it!

If you are looking for a fun and CLEAN novel to read this summer I recommend Beside Still Waters.

Disclaimer:  “I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of the Beside Still Waters Campaign and received a copy of the book and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”